
產品介紹 肯馬仕奔騰年代特調咖啡,是採用多種頂級咖啡豆以最佳比例調配而成的精品咖啡。這款特調咖啡融合了不同產區的獨特風味,為您帶來前所未有的品味享受。

風味特點 這款特調咖啡擁有豐富的莓果酸味和明亮的果香,入口即能感受到花香和柑橘的細膩優雅,並伴隨濃郁的巧克力和堅果香氣,完美平衡了酸度和甜度,帶來順滑的口感。每一口都能感受到多層次的風味,如同在花園中享受自然的芬芳,並聯想到陽光和肥沃土地的豐富風味。



庫存狀況 現貨

Canmas Coffee Pioneering Era Special Blend Coffee

Product Introduction The Kemma Hermes Pioneering Era Special Blend Coffee is a premium blend crafted from the finest coffee beans, meticulously combined in the optimal ratio. This blend brings together the unique flavors from various regions, offering an unparalleled taste experience.

Flavor Profile This special blend features rich berry acidity and bright fruity notes, delivering a vibrant and complex taste. Upon sipping, you'll experience delicate floral and citrus nuances, followed by deep chocolate and nutty aromas that perfectly balance acidity and sweetness, creating a smooth mouthfeel. Every sip reveals a multi-layered flavor profile reminiscent of a walk through a fragrant garden, evoking the richness of sunny and fertile lands.

The perfect proportion of this blend ensures that each sip captures the distinctive characteristics of various regions. Whether enjoyed alone or shared with friends, it offers an unrivaled coffee experience.


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