

1. 肯馬仕咖啡有限公司**(以下簡稱「肯馬仕咖啡」)係依據本服務條款提供肯馬仕咖啡(https://www.canmas.com.tw)服務(以下簡稱「本服務」)。當會員完成肯馬仕咖啡之會員註冊手續、或開始使用本服務時,即表示已閱讀、瞭解並同意接受本服務條款之所有內容,並完全接受本服務現有與未來衍生的服務項目及內容。肯馬仕咖啡有權於任何時間修改或變更本服務條款之內容,修改後的服務條款內容將公佈網站上,肯馬仕咖啡將不會個別通知會員,建議會員隨時注意該等修改或變更。會員於任何修改或變更後繼續使用本服務時,視為會員已閱讀、瞭解並同意接受該等修改或變更。若不同意上述的服務條款修訂或更新方式,或不接受本服務條款的其他任一約定,會員應立即停止使用本服務。

2. 若會員為未滿十八歲之未成年人,應於會員的家長(或監護人)閱讀、瞭解並同意本約定書之所有內容及其後修改變更後,方得註冊為會員、使用或繼續使用本服務。當會員使用或繼續使用肯馬仕咖啡時,即推定會員的家長(或監護人)已閱讀、瞭解並同意接受本約定書之所有內容及其後修改變更。

3. 會員及肯馬仕咖啡雙方同意使用本服務之所有內容包括意思表示等,以電子文件作為表示方式。



- 依本服務註冊表之提示提供會員本人正確、最新的資料,且不得以第三人之名義註冊為會員。每位會員僅能註冊登錄一個帳號,不可重覆註冊登錄。
- 即時維持並更新會員個人資料,確保其正確性,以獲取最佳之服務。
- 若會員提供任何錯誤或不實的資料、或未按指示提供資料、或欠缺必要之資料、或有重覆註冊帳號等情事時,肯馬仕咖啡有權不經事先通知,逕行暫停或終止會員的帳號,並拒絕會員使用本服務之全部或一部。




1. 完成本服務的登記程序之後,會員將取得一個特定之密碼及會員帳號,維持密碼及帳號之機密安全,是會員的責任。任何依照規定方法輸入會員帳號及密碼與登入資料一致時,無論是否由本人親自輸入,均將推定為會員本人所使用,利用該密碼及帳號所進行的一切行動,會員本人應負完全責任。

2. 會員同意以下事項:
   - 會員的密碼或帳號遭到盜用或有其他任何安全問題發生時,會員將立即通知肯馬仕咖啡。
   - 每次連線完畢,均結束會員的帳號使用。
   - 會員的帳號、密碼及會員權益均僅供會員個人使用及享有,不得轉借、轉讓他人或與他人合用。
   - 帳號及密碼遭盜用、不當使用或其他肯馬仕咖啡無法辯識是否為本人親自使用之情況時,對此所致之損害,除證明係因可歸責於肯馬仕咖啡之事由所致,肯馬仕咖啡將不負任何責任。
   - 肯馬仕咖啡若知悉會員之帳號密碼確係遭他人冒用時,將立即暫停該帳號之使用(含該帳號所生交易之處理)。
   - 會員需定期自行更改密碼。
   - 會員應自行在其所使用之電腦設備或行動裝置上安裝防護軟體。





1. 公布或傳送任何誹謗、侮辱、具威脅性、攻擊性、不雅、猥褻、不實、違反公共秩序或善良風俗或其他不法之文字、圖片或任何形式的檔案
2. 侵害或毀損肯馬仕咖啡或他人名譽、隱私權、營業秘密、商標權、著作權、專利權、其他智慧財產權及其他權利
3. 違反依法律或契約所應負之保密義務
4. 冒用他人名義使用本服務
5. 傳輸或散佈電腦病毒
6. 從事未經肯馬仕咖啡事前授權的商業行為
7. 刊載、傳輸、發送垃圾郵件、連鎖信、違法或未經肯馬仕咖啡許可之多層次傳銷訊息及廣告等;或儲存任何侵害他人智慧財產權或違反法令之資料
8. 對本服務其他用戶或第三人產生困擾、不悅或違反一般網路禮節致生反感之行為
9. 其他不符本服務所提供的使用目的之行為或肯馬仕咖啡有正當理由認為不適當之行為


1. 會員同意肯馬仕咖啡所提供本服務之範圍,肯馬仕咖啡均得視業務需要及實際情形,增減、變更或終止相關服務的項目或內容,且無需個別通知會員。
2. 會員同意肯馬仕咖啡得依實際執行情形,增加、修改或終止相關活動,並選擇最適方式告知會員。
3. 會員同意肯馬仕咖啡得不定期發送電子報或商品訊息(EDM)至會員所登錄的電子信箱帳號。當會員收到訊息後表示拒絕接受行銷時,肯馬仕咖啡將停止繼續發送行銷訊息。



1. 肯馬仕咖啡網站電子通信設備進行必要之保養及施工時
2. 發生突發性之電子通信設備故障時
3. 肯馬仕咖啡網站申請之電子通信服務被停止,無法提供服務時
4. 由於天災等不可抗力之因素或其他不可歸責於肯馬仕咖啡致使肯馬仕咖啡網站無法提供服務時


1. 會員使用本服務進行交易時,應依據肯馬仕咖啡所提供之確認商品數量及價格機制進行。
2. 會員同意使用本服務訂購產品時,於肯馬仕咖啡通知確認交易成立前,肯馬仕咖啡仍保有不接受訂單或取消出貨之權利。會員向肯馬仕咖啡發出訂購通知後,系統將自動發出接受通知,但此通知並非訂單確認通知,關於交易成立與否肯馬仕咖啡將另行告知。若因訂單內容之標的商品或服務,其交易條件(包括但不限於規格、內容說明、圖片等)有誤時,肯馬仕咖啡仍得於下單後二工作日內拒絕該筆訂單。
3. 會員若於使用本服務訂購產品後倘任意退換貨、取消訂單、或有任何肯馬仕咖啡認為不適當而造成肯馬仕咖啡作業上之困擾或損害之行為,肯馬仕咖啡將可視情況採取拒絕交易、暫停取消特定配送方式,或永久取消會員資格辦理。為保障會員平等購物權利,特定類別商品對於任意退換貨及取消訂單可能有相應之會員停權特殊規定,並將於各該特定類別商品之商品頁上標註說明,會員於進行交易行為前,應詳閱並遵守此等規定。若會員訂購之產品屬於以下情形:(1)預購類商品、(2)商品頁顯示無庫存、(3)須向供應商調貨、(4)轉由廠商出貨,因商品交易特性之故,倘商品缺貨、或廠商因故無法順利供貨導致訂單無法成立時,肯馬仕咖啡將以最適方式(以電子郵件為主,再輔以電話、郵遞或傳真等)告知。
4. 會員使用本服務進行交易時,得依照消費者保護法之規定行使權利。因會員之交易行為而對本服務條款產生疑義時,應為有利於消費者之解釋。


1. 肯馬仕咖啡電腦系統以提供服務進入市場時,符合當時科技或專業水準認為合理之安全性與技術提供服務,若肯馬仕咖啡電腦系統或電磁紀錄受到破壞,或電腦系統運作異常時,肯馬仕咖啡將採取合理之措施後儘速予以回覆。
2. 若本服務無法正常運作,係源自不可歸責雙方當事人之事由所致,肯馬仕咖啡將暫停或中止本服務之提供。


1. 肯馬仕咖啡所使用之軟體或程式、網站上所有內容,包括但不限於著作、圖片、檔案、資訊、資料、網站架構、網站畫面的安排、網頁設計,均由肯馬仕咖啡或其他權利人依法擁有其智慧財產權,包括但不限於商標權、專利權、著作權、營業秘密與專有技術等。任何人不得逕自使用、修改、重製、公開播送、改作、散布、發行、公開發表、進行還原工程、解編或反向組譯。若會員欲引用或轉載前述軟體、程式或網站內容,必須依法取得肯馬仕咖啡或其他權利人的事前書面同意。尊重智慧財產權是會員應盡的義務,如有違反,會員應對肯馬仕咖啡負損害賠償責任(包括但不限於訴訟費用及律師費用等)。
2. 在尊重他人智慧財產權之原則下,會員同意在使用肯馬仕咖啡之服務時,不作侵害他人智慧財產權之行為。
3. 若會員有涉及侵權之情事,肯馬仕咖啡可暫停全部或部份之服務,或逕自以取消會員帳號之方式處理。
4. 若有發現智慧財產權遭侵害之情事,請將所遭侵權之情形及聯絡方式,並附具真實陳述及擁有合法智慧財產權之聲明,以下列方式聯絡肯馬仕咖啡:以電子郵件(E-mail)寄送至:IPC@canmas.com.tw












Terms of Service of Canmas Coffee

1. Acknowledgment and Acceptance of Terms

Canmas Coffee Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Canmas Coffee") provides services in accordance with these terms of service through Canmas Coffee (https://www.canmas.com.tw) (hereinafter referred to as "the Service"). By completing the membership registration process or starting to use the Service, the member indicates that they have read, understood, and agreed to accept all the contents of these terms of service, and fully accept the service items and content currently available and derived in the future. Canmas Coffee reserves the right to modify or change the content of these terms of service at any time. The revised terms of service will be published on the website, and Canmas Coffee will not notify members individually. It is recommended that members pay attention to such modifications or changes at any time. If members continue to use the Service after any modifications or changes, it is deemed that the member has read, understood, and agreed to accept such modifications or changes. If you do not agree with the revised or updated terms of service or any other terms of this service, you should immediately stop using the Service.

If the member is a minor under the age of eighteen, the member’s parents (or guardians) should read, understand, and agree to all the contents of this agreement and its subsequent modifications and changes before registering as a member, using, or continuing to use the Service. When the member uses or continues to use Canmas Coffee, it is presumed that the member's parents (or guardians) have read, understood, and agreed to accept all the contents of this agreement and its subsequent modifications and changes.

Both the member and Canmas Coffee agree to use electronic documents as the means of expressing all content, including intentions, related to the use of the Service.

2. Member Registration Obligations

To use the Service, the member agrees to the following:

  • Provide correct and up-to-date information as prompted by the Service registration form and not register as a member under the name of a third party. Each member can only register one account and cannot register multiple accounts.
  • Immediately maintain and update personal data to ensure its accuracy to obtain the best service.
  • If the member provides any false or inaccurate information, or fails to provide information as instructed, or lacks necessary information, or registers multiple accounts, Canmas Coffee has the right to suspend or terminate the member's account without prior notice and refuse the member to use all or part of the Service.

3. Privacy Policy of Canmas Coffee

During the use of various services and transaction processes of Canmas Coffee, personal data will be collected, processed, and utilized. For related matters, please refer to Canmas Coffee's "Privacy Policy."

4. Member Account, Password, and Security

After completing the registration process for the Service, the member will obtain a specific password and member account. Maintaining the confidentiality and security of the password and account is the member's responsibility. Any action taken using the password and account, whether or not it is personally entered by the member, will be deemed as the member's own action, and the member shall be fully responsible for all actions taken using the password and account.

The member agrees to the following:

  • If the member's password or account is stolen or there is any other security issue, the member will immediately notify Canmas Coffee.
  • The member will end the use of their account at the end of each session.
  • The member's account, password, and member rights are for personal use and enjoyment only and may not be lent, transferred to others, or shared with others.
  • If the account and password are stolen, misused, or if Canmas Coffee cannot identify whether it is personally used by the member, Canmas Coffee will not be responsible for any damages unless it is proven that it is due to the fault of Canmas Coffee.
  • If Canmas Coffee is aware that the member's account and password are indeed used by others, it will immediately suspend the use of the account (including processing of transactions arising from the account).
  • The member needs to change the password regularly.
  • The member should install protective software on the computer equipment or mobile device they use.

5. Protection of Children and Teenagers

To ensure the safety of children and teenagers using the internet and to avoid privacy infringement, parents (or guardians) should fulfill the following obligations: when children under the age of twelve use the Service, they should be accompanied throughout, and teenagers over the age of twelve but under the age of eighteen should obtain parental consent before using the Service.

6. User's Legal Obligations and Commitments

The member promises not to use the Service for any illegal purpose or in any illegal way and promises to comply with the relevant laws and regulations of the Republic of China and all international practices for using the internet. Members who are users outside the Republic of China also agree to comply with the laws and regulations of their respective countries or regions. The member agrees and guarantees not to use the Service to engage in acts that infringe on the rights of others or violate the law, including but not limited to:

  • Publishing or transmitting any defamatory, insulting, threatening, offensive, obscene, indecent, untrue, or other illegal text, pictures, or any form of files that violate public order or good customs.
  • Infringing or damaging the reputation, privacy, trade secrets, trademarks, copyrights, patents, other intellectual property rights, and other rights of Canmas Coffee or others.
  • Violating confidentiality obligations under the law or contract.
  • Misusing the name of others to use the Service.
  • Transmitting or distributing computer viruses.
  • Engaging in commercial activities without the prior authorization of Canmas Coffee.
  • Posting, transmitting, or sending spam, chain letters, illegal multi-level marketing messages, and advertisements without the permission of Canmas Coffee, or storing any data that infringes on the intellectual property rights of others or violates the law.
  • Engaging in behaviors that cause trouble, discomfort, or violate general internet etiquette, causing resentment among other users or third parties.
  • Other behaviors that do not meet the purpose of using the Service provided by Canmas Coffee or that Canmas Coffee has justifiable reasons to consider inappropriate.

7. Changes to the Service Content and Sending of Newsletters and EDM

  • The member agrees that the scope of the Service provided by Canmas Coffee may be increased, changed, or terminated according to business needs and actual conditions, and no individual notification to the member is required.
  • The member agrees that Canmas Coffee may add, modify, or terminate related activities according to actual implementation conditions and choose the most appropriate method to notify the member.
  • The member agrees that Canmas Coffee may periodically send newsletters or product information (EDM) to the email account registered by the member. When the member refuses to accept marketing messages, Canmas Coffee will stop sending marketing messages.

8. Suspension and Interruption of Service

Canmas Coffee will maintain the normal operation of the system and service using reasonable technical and methods. However, in the following situations, Canmas Coffee has the right to suspend or interrupt the provision of the Service:

  • When the electronic communication equipment of the Canmas Coffee website undergoes necessary maintenance and construction.
  • When a sudden failure occurs in the electronic communication equipment.
  • When the electronic communication service applied by the Canmas Coffee website is suspended and cannot provide services.
  • When the Canmas Coffee website cannot provide services due to natural disasters or other force majeure factors or reasons not attributable to Canmas Coffee.

9. Transaction Behavior

  • When a member uses the Service for transactions, they should follow the mechanism provided by Canmas Coffee to confirm the quantity and price of the products.
  • The member agrees that when using the Service to order products, Canmas Coffee still retains the right not to accept orders or cancel shipments before Canmas Coffee confirms the transaction. After the member sends the order notification to Canmas Coffee, the system will automatically send an acceptance notification, but this notification is not an order confirmation notification. Canmas Coffee will notify separately about the establishment of the transaction. If there is an error in the transaction conditions (including but not limited to specifications, content descriptions, pictures, etc.) of the ordered products or services, Canmas Coffee may still refuse the order within two working days after placing the order.
  • If the member arbitrarily returns or exchanges the goods, cancels the order, or engages in any behavior that Canmas Coffee considers inappropriate and causes trouble or damage to Canmas Coffee's operations after using the Service to order products, Canmas Coffee may refuse the transaction, suspend or cancel specific delivery methods, or permanently cancel the member's qualifications. To ensure equal shopping rights for members, specific categories of goods may have corresponding membership suspension special regulations for arbitrary returns and cancellations, which will be marked on the product pages of each specific category of goods. Members should read and comply with these regulations before conducting transaction behavior. If the ordered products fall into the following situations: (1) pre-ordered products, (2) out-of-stock products displayed on the product page, (3) products that need to be ordered from suppliers, (4) products shipped by the manufacturer, due to the nature of the product transaction, if the product is out of stock, or the supplier cannot supply the product smoothly, causing the order to fail to be established, Canmas Coffee will notify by the most appropriate means (mainly by email, supplemented by phone, mail, or fax).
  • When a member uses the Service for transactions, they can exercise their rights under the Consumer Protection Act. When there is any doubt about these terms of service due to the member's transaction behavior, it should be interpreted in favor of the consumer.

10. Limitation and Exclusion of Liability

  • The computer system of Canmas Coffee meets the reasonable security and technical standards of the technology or professional standards at the time of entering the market to provide services. If the computer system or electromagnetic records of Canmas Coffee are damaged, or the computer system operates abnormally, Canmas Coffee will take reasonable measures and restore it as soon as possible.
  • If the Service cannot operate normally due to reasons not attributable to both parties, Canmas Coffee will suspend or terminate the provision of the Service.

11. Protection of Intellectual Property Rights

  • The software or programs used by Canmas Coffee, all content on the website, including but not limited to works, pictures, files, information, data, website structure, arrangement of website screens, and web page design, are legally owned by Canmas Coffee or other rights holders with their intellectual property rights, including but not limited to trademark rights, patent rights, copyrights, trade secrets, and proprietary technologies. No one may use, modify, reproduce, publicly broadcast, adapt, distribute, publish, publicly release, perform reverse engineering, decompile, or disassemble without authorization. If a member wishes to quote or reproduce the aforementioned software, programs, or website content, they must obtain prior written consent from Canmas Coffee or other rights holders by law. Respecting intellectual property rights is an obligation of the member. If there is any violation, the member should be liable for damages to Canmas Coffee (including but not limited to litigation costs and attorney fees).
  • Under the principle of respecting the intellectual property rights of others, the member agrees not to engage in acts that infringe on the intellectual property rights of others when using the services of Canmas Coffee.
  • If a member is involved in infringement, Canmas Coffee may suspend all or part of the services or handle it by canceling the member's account.
  • If there is any infringement of intellectual property rights, please provide the details of the infringement and contact information, along with a truthful statement and a declaration of having legitimate intellectual property rights, and contact Canmas Coffee by email: IPC@canmas.com.tw (Please note! This email is for specific use only, and emails unrelated to infringement notifications will not be processed. For any questions from Canmas Coffee members, please contact customer service.)

12. Member Authorization to Canmas Coffee

For the data uploaded, transmitted, entered, or provided by the member, the member agrees that Canmas Coffee may collect, process, store, transmit, and use such data within a reasonable scope to provide users with other information or services, compile member statistics, conduct research on internet behavior, or for any legitimate use. If the member does not have legal rights to authorize others to use, modify, reproduce, publicly broadcast, adapt, distribute, publish, publicly release certain data, and transfer the aforementioned rights to third parties, please do not upload, transmit, enter, or provide such data to Canmas Coffee. Any data uploaded, transmitted, entered, or provided to Canmas Coffee by the member is deemed as the member has allowed Canmas Coffee to use, modify, reproduce, publicly broadcast, adapt, distribute, publish, publicly release such data unconditionally and to transfer the aforementioned rights to others, and the member has no objection. The member should ensure that Canmas Coffee's use, modification, reproduction, public broadcasting, adaptation, distribution, publication, public release, and sublicensing of such data will not infringe on the intellectual property rights of any third party. Otherwise, the member should be liable for damages to Canmas Coffee (including but not limited to litigation costs and attorney fees).

13. Special Authorization Matters

Due to the need to complete the delivery or return of goods (or gifts, etc.) through courier or freight companies when using the online transactions or activities provided by the Service, the member agrees and authorizes Canmas Coffee to provide the necessary personal information (such as the recipient's name, delivery address, contact phone number, etc.) provided by the member for the delivery to the courier or freight companies and related cooperating manufacturers to complete the delivery or return of the goods (or gifts, etc.) for the specific online transaction or activity.

14. Refusal or Termination of Member Use

The member agrees that Canmas Coffee has the right to suspend or terminate the account and/or the right to use the Service after notifying the member through all communication data registered by the member or the same communication method agreed upon when the member violates the company's guidelines, any additional terms and conditions, and policies.

15. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

The interpretation and application of these terms of service and any disputes or conflicts arising between the member and Canmas Coffee due to transaction behavior shall be handled in accordance with the laws of the Republic of China and the Taiwan Hsinchu District Court shall be the court of first instance jurisdiction. However, if the law has mandatory regulations on the jurisdiction, it shall still comply with such regulations.